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Jan 21, 2016

If I hear one more person tell me that candidates don’t like phone calls, I’m going to shove a phone up your …

I’m not the smartest cat, but I know a couple of things. Here are a few things I know:

  1. You can’t taste the difference between well Gin and high-end Gin after four Gin-and-Tonics.
  2. French Fries, Onion Rings and Tator Tots taste great fried but taste awful baked.
  3. Great tasting chocolate is the reason women can be happy and single. OK, I stole that one from my wife!
  4. Job candidates with car trouble are lying.
  5. People like to be told that you want them for the a job! It’s flattering. It makes them feel important. It makes them feel valued. They love to listen to what you have to say, regardless of how satisfied they are in their job.

Candidates love phone calls – when they’re about a job

If I called you right now with a job that was something you have always wanted, guess what would happen? You would call me back.

In fact, you would call me back almost instantly. You would run out to your car, telling the receptionist on the way out you have an urgent personal call, in order to hear what I have to say.

Those people, those thought leaders, those idiots who are telling you candidates don’t like phone calls are LIARS!

Why are they lying to you? Here is why I think they are doing it:

  1. They’re lazy and hope the Internet will solve all of their problems.
  2. They’re hoping to talk the world into believing you never have to make a phone call to get a job.
  3. They’re scared.

This shouldn’t be a surprise

I did a survey where I asked 100 people, mostly Millennials, (all potential candidates, since all people are potential candidates) if I called you with your “Dream Job” would you either pick up my call or call me back?

Would you like to know the results?

It’s not a surprise: 100 out of 100 said they would pick up my call or call me back! 100 percent!

Recruiters who say candidates don’t like phone calls are not recruiters; they’re administrative professionals. Pay them accordingly.

This was originally published on Tim Sackett’s blog, The Tim Sackett Project.

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