
Top Stories: The Disappearance of Men, the Future of Laid-Off Tech Workers, Salary Trends, and More!

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Dec 16, 2022
This article is part of a series called The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week.

The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week

Welcome to “The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week,” a weekly post that features talent acquisition insights and information from around the web to kick off your weekend. Here’s what’s of interest this week:

Why Some Men Are Dropping Out of the Workforce

“The labor force participation rate for men ages 30 – 44 is lower than it was pre-pandemic while more women in that age group are participating at a higher rate than pre-pandemic,” according to CNN. View this video to learn why.

How a Sprawling Hospital Chain Ignited Its Own Staffing Crisis

“Ascension, one of the country’s largest health systems, spent years cutting jobs, leaving it flat-footed when the pandemic hit,” reports The New York Times.

A Growing ‘Green Collar’ Industry Aims to Recruit Laid Off Tech Workers

“More than 300 million additional ‘green-collar’ jobs are expected to emerge by 2050, and transitioning the workforce to have the skills needed to perform in these roles is a big undertaking,” according to Fortune. “According to LinkedIn, demand for green jobs has grown by as much as 40%.”

What to Know About Salary Trends in 2023

“Fueled by a confluence of factors — rising inflation and changing employee expectations among them — HR leaders are planning to turn to larger-than-usual salary increases in 2023,” HR Executive reports.

Widgets, Workers and Wages: Manufacturers Get More Strategic About Recruiting

“Manufacturing is not an easy industry to hire for these days, as Franklin Printing can attest,” according to Mainebiz. Read about how various manufacturers are approaching recruiting differently in a tough field.

Amazon’s Security Chief Keeps Focus on Recruiting and Retaining Talent

Read about how Amazon, which The Wall Street Journal reports is “relying on a combination of internal training and active recruitment to help navigate a worldwide cyber talent shortage,” is aiming to meet it’s staffing needs.

Gen Z Came to ‘Slay.’ Their Bosses Don’t Know What That Means.

“Gen Z’s use of emojis, slang and punctuation is confusing older colleagues as workplace communications are increasingly online,” The Washington Post reports. “Generation Z — defined by Pew Research Center as those born between 1997 and 2012 — is bringing its own style of communication to the workplace. As conversations have increasingly moved online to text-driven environments, Gen Z’s form of messaging is creating a quirky challenge for multigenerational workplaces: the potential for confusing, anxiety-inducing and sometimes comical miscommunication.”

Why Is Amazon Encouraging Recruiters to Resign?

“A leaked internal memo indicates that the company is moving forward with AI recruiting — or rather, candidate evaluation tech — called ‘Automated Applicant Evaluation,’ or AAE, that began years ago,” Suzanne Lucas writes on “At the same time, Vox’s Recode reports that the retail giant was extending buyout offers recently to hundreds of its low- and mid-level recruiters, which included three months of severance, along with one week of pay for every six months worked at the company.”

Read the most interesting recruiting stories of past weeks here.


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This article is part of a series called The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week.