
Top Stories: Tesla’s Hiring Woes, Women in Trucking, and More!

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Dec 9, 2022
This article is part of a series called The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week.

The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week

Welcome to “The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week,” a weekly post that features talent acquisition insights and information from around the web to kick off your weekend. Here’s what’s of interest this week:

Tesla Is Having Extreme Trouble Hiring

“Worldwide, the number of vacancies at the company has doubled since the summer, suggesting that it’s facing serious headwind in not only attracting new workers, but also keeping them motivated enough to stick around,” according to Futurism.

For Young Job Seekers, Stability Is a Top Priority

“People entering the work force amid inflation, pandemic uncertainty, and layoffs are recalibrating what a dream job looks like,” according to The New York Times.

Women Are Entering U.S. Truck-Driving Jobs in Record Numbers

“For decades, the trucking industry has had trouble retaining retaining workers. The sector is now short of around 80,000 drivers, which is an all-time high, according to an October report from the American Trucking Association,” Quarts reports. “Women are helping to fill in the gaps. Their share of jobs in the trucking industry also has risen as the rate of U.S. labor-market participation overall has fallen for men of prime working age.”

Tech Layoffs Put Extra Strain on H-1B Workers

“More than 45,000 technology workers were laid off in November, among a flurry of workforce cuts made at high-profile companies such as Amazon, Meta and Twitter,” according to SHRM. “And while losing a job is cause for concern for anyone, the stress is heightened for workers with temporary H-1B visas, who suddenly have a looming deadline to find another job and employer willing to sponsor them; change their visa status; or return home.”

Job Applications Via Smartphone on the Rise

“The power of mobile devices in the recruitment process is continuing to climb, according to hiring solution provider Harver, which found that 60% of people who register for their app submitted job applications on mobile devices this year,” HR Executive reports.

Why Are There So Many Tech Layoffs? And Why Should We Be Worried?

“As layoffs in the tech sector mount, Stanford Graduate School of Business Professor Jeffrey Pfeffer is worried,” says Standford News. “Research — by him, and others — has shown that the stress layoffs create takes a devastating toll on behavioral and physical health and increases mortality and morbidity substantially. Layoffs literally kill people, he said.”

This Job Seeker Went Viral for Printing Her Resume on a Cake and Delivering It to Nike

The headline says it all!

‘You’re Hired — Until You’re Not’: Amazon Revokes Job Offers

“While Amazon concedes that it’s been [rescinding offers] for a “very small number of roles,” its decision nonetheless speaks to the current staffing challenges plaguing the organization, as well as the broader tech industry,” according to

Read the most interesting recruiting stories of past weeks here.


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This article is part of a series called The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week.