
Top Stories: Banning Criminal Background Checks, Fewer Benefits in Job Posts, and More!

Will other states follow California's lead in its attempts to reform hiring?

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Apr 7, 2023
This article is part of a series called The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week.

Welcome to “The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week,” a weekly post that features talent acquisition insights and information from around the web to kick off your weekend. Here’s what’s of interest this week:

California Seeks to Ban Criminal Background Checks for Most Private Sector Employers

“Lawmakers in Sacramento seek to outright ban criminal background checks by most private sector employers in California in a bill that would scrap California’s existing fair chance law and replace it with the most restrictive fair chance law in the United States,” according to Littler. “While the sweeping bill’s future is uncertain, employers should be mindful of the bill’s progress given the drastic impact even a narrower version of the bill would have if enacted into law.”

Benefits Advertising in Job Postings Is Leveling Off

“The share of job postings advertising benefits like health insurance, paid time off, and retirement plans has flattened in recent months, especially in low-wage sectors,” according to Indeed’s latest Hiring Lab update.

Digital Credentials and Talent Acquisition Tech: Closing the Gap Between Learning and Hiring

“Most talent acquisition systems are not yet prepared to accept new types of non-degree credentials or richer skills data: they remain geared around basic educational information and unstructured data such as PDF attachments,” according to a new Northeastern University report.

Is ChatGPT the Future of Recruiting?

From HR Dive: “Tomas Alberio, project manager and director of operations at Stafi, said that the company is using ChatGPT to craft job descriptions, and that it has helped their recruitment team create engaging but informative descriptions for jobs that often have very specific skill requirements.”

Why Recruiting Stellar Employees Remains Difficult

“The phrase ’10x employee’ has been used in Silicon Valley for years, often referring to engineers, to describe employees that produce far more results than the ‘average’ employee,” Fortune reports. “Yet experts explained that truly coveted employees aren’t ‘lone wolf’ types who have their heads down working all day; they stand out because of their collaborative team work and contribution to a positive work culture.”

Untested Assumptions Can Undercut Your Hiring

“Being qualified for a job isn’t enough,” writes John Vlastelica on LinkedIn. “Successful candidates also need to be motivated to do the work. And too often, we — as recruiters and hiring managers — make assumptions about motivation.”

Pay Transparency Has Soared in the Past Three Years

“More than 40% of U.S. job postings on Indeed now include employer-provided salary information, an increase of 137% in the past three years, according to data recently released by the Austin, Texas-based jobs site,” SHRM reports. “In February, 43.7 %of job postings advertised employer-provided salary information, up from the 18.4% that did so in February 2020.”

It’s Time to Rethink Time to Fill

“Time to fill is not about recruiter performance, because recruiters rarely, if ever, have complete autonomy for the entirety of the hiring process,” Kimberly Jones writes on “And so the inclusion of this metric in recruiter performance reviews is misplaced.”

This article is part of a series called The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week.