Recruiting thought leaders and recruiting practitioners are not aligned on skills-based hiring. The former group is advocating for a skills-first approach to hiring However, a new SHRM study reveals that experience, not skills, trumps all when evaluating candidates. (SHRM)
AI bots are filling out job applications for job seekers. What could go wrong? A range of AI-powered services claim to save time and effort for candidates by filling out applications for tem. One programmer says he even used software to apply for 5,000 jobs. However, a slew of recruiters do not see this a sa positive development. (Wired)
Pay transparency is not having its desired impact. Why? “While those seeking jobs may find more transparency up front, the negotiations process when hiring is getting more challenging,” this CNBC story points out. “Pay transparency has not significantly altered average wage ranges listed in job postings, even though those ranges have somewhat widened.” (CNBC)
Should you expect candidates to share your company’s purpose? This article calls for “purpose congruence,” an alignment of corporate and individual purposes. I know many talent leaders would argue this is an important aspect of working. I say otherwise. Nonetheless, this story shares an interesting perspective. (Harvard Business Review)
A recent court ruling leads to a questioning of the utility of drug testing for most positions. Attorney Eric B. Meyer takes a look at a recent legal case and its implication for drug testing in the hiring process. (The Employer Handbook)
Uncovering the hidden influence of the HR vendor community. Wharton professor Peter Cappelli dives into the world of work tech vendors, explaining the often overlooked, or misunderstood, influence they have on decision-making at employers. (HR Executive)
20% of US offices are vacant. WeWork’s bankruptcy will make the problem worse. Despite efforts by employers to bring people back to the office, the commercial vacancy rate throughout the country continues to be low. WeWork’s latest announcement will likely exacerbate the issue. (CNN)
How to eliminate five key hiring blindspots. From reexamining your search area to understanding better your candidates’ desires, check out this piece about some practical ways to improve your recruiting process. (Startups)