Apr 5, 2013
This article is part of a series called Classic TLNT.

Editor’s Note: Sometimes, readers ask about past TLNT articles they may have missed. That’s why on Fridays we republish a Classic TLNT post some of you have asked about.

My good friend — let’s call him “Herb” — started a brand new job yesterday.

Herb was very excited because it’s an opportunity with a particular financial institution that he had been coveting for some time. Rewinding two weeks, the submission and recruitment process went fantastic as Herb actually located the position online, submitted his resume, and was contacted immediately.

His initial interview was via phone on a Friday, and he did so well that he was invited in for second-round interviews that very next Monday. On Monday, Herb once again wowed the hiring managers and the very next day (Tuesday) he received an offer of employment which he readily accepted with great enthusiasm.

Herb kept me up to date through his interview process with this financial institution, and even I was amazed how quick this large giant seemed to move. He told me how everything was great, the people were awesome, and how he was looking forward to day one to get going on his new role.

As I anticipated, last evening I received a phone call from Herb. I was anxious to catch up and hear about his first day in the new position. To my surprise, the tone of Herb’s voice was not that of excitement, rather that of disappointment.

A first day of work disappointment

After spending several minutes listening to the events of Herb’s day, I too was very disappointed for him. Now he was wondering if he had made the right decision by accepting the position.

Herb’s disappointment revolved around one topic: onboarding. In going back to the recruitment process and how everything seemed to flow seamlessly, I was sure that a company of this size and stature had to have some type of onboarding program in place. Sure enough, on Herb’s first day he found out that they didn’t. What a disappointment it made his first day.

Let’s revisit some of Herb’s events on his first day:

  • Upon arrival, no one to properly greet him or know that he was starting.
  • No agenda, materials, or training schedule.
  • Building security credentials missing and sent to wrong location.
  • Lunch: everyone was too busy, no time for lunch.
  • Co-workers wished him good luck and welcomed him to a life of non-stop work.
  • The on-site manager didn’t know what to do with him or where to place him.

This is a great example for companies of what not to do on an individual’s first day of work. Herb was, and is definitely, disappointed in the way things transpired on his first day. The day’s events have set a negative tone for him, and it was day and night from the interactions he witnessed during the recruiting, interview, and offer stage.

When the term “recruiting process” is used, most people take that to mean, “Locate, identify, interview, hire” and end it there. In fact, the term “recruiting process” should never end, and should be a continuous ongoing activity each and every day. The critical step that was missed in Herb’s situation was the onboarding step.

Keys to a successful onboarding program

It is of utmost importance to not only create but use a successful onboarding program. The pieces of an onboarding program are very simple and will help to set the tone on the individual’s first day and hopefully for years to come. A successful onboarding program will have three basic elements: participants, material, and time frame.

  • Participants: identify who is going to be part of the process and who will be participating in the onboarding program. Each participant should have a full understanding of the program in order to deliver a productive and consistent message.
  • Material: have a defined plan of action and itinerary. Topics may include: welcome message, company history, products/services, competition, policies/procedures, department briefings, etc.
  • Time frame: as mentioned above, the recruiting process should be ongoing and never stop. This will enhance employee engagement and communication which may help to reduce turnover and keep employees happy over the long run.

Furthermore, there are some even more basic tasks that can be accomplished so new employees don’t have the same bad experience that Herb did:

  • Designate an individual to meet and greet a new employee upon arrival and show him/her around.
  • Send out a welcome letter or email to make existing employees aware of the new hire.
  • Have the work station set up and properly functioning complete with computer, email address, supplies, training materials, etc.
  • Have business cards pre-ordered with name, direct dial, and email address complete and spelled correctly
  • Have lunch pre-arranged with co-workers and peers.
  • Schedule a drop-by or meeting with senior management if available.

Remember, it’s the little things that count and first impressions are everything. I felt for Herb, as it is disappointing to start a new job feeling like you are more of a problem than a solution on Day 1.

This article is part of a series called Classic TLNT.
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