
Monster Teases Mysterious iPhone App

Aug 22, 2018
Monster Studios
Launching soon? Monster Studios

Meet Monster Studios, whatever the hell that is.

The app is currently live in the AppStore to download, but the sign-up button doesn’t work yet. “You’ll hear more about that at HR Tech,” is all Kate Rambo, director of PR at Monster would say. The HR Technology Conference starts September 11.

So, what can we glean? As the name suggests, the app looks like a way for employers to create videos natively with an iPhone or iPad and connect the content to your Monster job posting.

“Captivate jobseekers in a brand new unique way. Use Monster Studios to create engaging video content for your Monster job ad,” the company says via its sales page. “In 3 taps, you can start engaging talent with authentic video content and yield more interest and more relevant candidate matches.”

My source says startup VideoMyJob partnered with Monster to provide some, if not all of the app’s functionality. A quick look at some of the features reveal a lot of similarities.

For instance, Monster Studios touts a “teleprompter feature to easily produce videos,” which is something VideoMyJob offers. Additionally, the ability to edit videos and boost them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter is something VideoMyJob offers as well.

The app is offered via the Jobr account on iTunes. Many will remember Monster acquired the mobile job search solution back in 2016. Since then, not much has been going on with the company that made its name in mobile, but Monster Studios is a sign that may be changing.

In a recent LinkedIn update disparaging Jobr, Chad Argo, senior account manger at Monster commented, “I will say that if we can figure out the ‘mobile resume’ and incorporate a video cover letter along with the apply process, we’re on to something. The clock’s ticking.” Aiming high, for sure.

The move to mobile keeps with the messaging highlighted in ads that were launched back in May, which touted its mobile app. I like the strategy. “There’s also the realization that to an entire generation of job seekers, Monster means energy drink and not job search,” I said back then. “To introduce yourself to them with a mobile-first message potentially gives Monster the opportunity to reconnect favorably with a whole new audience.”

Downloading the app is free, but someone must be a Monster customer to use. It looks like the app will only be available on iOS at launch, but I have to think an Android version will be forthcoming.

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