
Is Workplace Political Talk Draining You? The Weekly Roundup Of Recruiting News.

Learn how political discussions are affecting the workplace, the growing reliance on on-demand talent, and how AI-powered tools are reshaping recruitment.

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Sep 20, 2024

Years ago, I had a coworker who was very outspoken about his political views. It became a daily occurrence—whether in the breakroom, during meetings, or in casual conversations, he was constantly squawking his opinions. As someone who preferred to avoid discussing politics at work, I found myself going out of my way to steer clear of those political rants. Sometimes, I would even eat lunch in the car just to dodge the tension.

With the current political climate and the upcoming presidential election here in the U.S., these discussions are becoming more prevalent and, for many, more uncomfortable. It seems I’m not alone in my desire to keep politics out of the workplace.

Employees Want Political Chatter to Stop

A recent survey by MyPerfectResume, “Political Discussions in the Workplace,” highlights just how much of an issue this has become. According to their findings, a whopping 71% of the workforce wants political chatter at work to stop. That’s more than two-thirds of employees who feel uncomfortable with these types of discussions in their professional environment.

Here are some other key takeaways from the survey:

  • 89% believe employers should limit or discourage political discussions: Employees want clear boundaries set by their companies to prevent political conversations from dominating the workspace.
  • 74% would leave their job if their workplace promoted political ideologies they strongly disagreed with: For many, the issue is so important that they’d rather quit than stay in a work environment where they feel their beliefs are under attack.
  • 73% say they have felt pressured to share their political views at work: Whether it’s through direct conversations or subtle hints, a significant portion of employees have felt uncomfortable with the pressure to disclose their political stance.

What Can Employers Do?

Political discussions can easily sour an office atmosphere. Jasmine Escalera, a career expert at MyPerfectResume, suggests that employers should focus on creating a neutral, comfortable space for all employees. Encouraging respect for diverse perspectives, discouraging political debates, and promoting inclusivity can ensure that the workplace remains a professional environment.

You can read the full report here.

OMG! Amazon has mandated that all employees return to the office five days a week.

It was mass hysteria—dogs and cats living together—when Amazon CEO Andy Jassy sent out a memo emphasizing the importance of in-person collaboration, maintaining the company’s corporate culture, and mandating ALL employees return to the office five days a week.

Previously, Amazon had implemented a three-day in-office requirement in February 2023, which caused a massive backlash from employees and even some protests.


The good news is that the RTO for five days a week starts on January 2, 2025.


Return of the Contract Recruiter?

The on-demand (contract) workforce is making a comeback, much like the McDonald’s McRib sandwich.  If you’re a recruiter looking for work, this is great news because companies are rapidly approaching their TA needs with contract recruiters.  Recent reports indicate significant growth in the on-demand workforce solutions market, with projections suggesting continued expansion through 2031.

More than 40% of U.S. workers are now freelancing or contracting, a number that continues to rise. This shift towards the “gig” or “temp economy” means that companies increasingly rely on contingent workers for flexibility and cost savings. For recruiters, this trend presents both a challenge and an opportunity.

As we all know, recruiters do more with less. But the good news is that your leadership might tap into the contract recruiter pool to get you some help.

Read more about it here.

Never Get Lost With HireClix

HireClix is like a breath of fresh air for anyone wanting a career site that’s, dare I say, actually a pleasant experience. They’ve rolled out a new feature called Maps for Career Sites, designed to elevate the candidate experience and make job searches even more intuitive. I think this feature is especially great for those hiring nurses and other healthcare professionals who need to commute. This tool lets employers add customizable, branded maps to their career sites, giving job seekers important geographic context so they can find that job opportunity that’s closer to them without having to resort to Google Maps.

Read the press release here.

Findem and HireBrain Partner to Revolutionize Hiring

Findem and HireBrain has to be the two best company names in all of Recruiterdom. Both companies have teamed up to enhance how TA can elevate their hiring process. By integrating HireBrain’s intake intelligence with Findem’s AI-driven talent search, this partnership aims to make the hiring process more predictable and precise.

With features like AI-powered automation and streamlined job description creation, recruiters can now move from intake to candidate engagement seamlessly. This collaboration also addresses recruiter-hiring manager communication gaps and improves overall efficiency.

Finally, I’ll say this about this partnership. Recruiting is continuously evolving and every TA leader needs to learn how AI and automation can improve the improve the quality of hire using data-driven decisions.

Read more about their partnership here.

Help me get to the ERE Recruiting Conference!

Convincing your team that you need to invest in learning, networking, and skill development can be tough, especially with recent budget cuts. But we’re here to help! We’ve created a guide specifically for those who need to make a strong case for attending the ERE Recruiting Conference in Anaheim, CA, from November 12-14, 2024.

Need additional support? Use our contact form, and we’ll write the business case for you. Plus, as a bonus, we’ll provide extra discounts to strengthen your proposal for attending the conference, networking mixers, and the CandE Awards ceremony.

Catch a sneak peek of the ERE Recruiting Conference on our YouTube channel! We’ve just added more Speaker Spotlight clips, including the latest featuring James Ellis from Employer Brand Labs. Check it out now!

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