
How to Get Your Recruiters to Consistently Use Your ATS

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Aug 23, 2021
This article is part of a series called Podcasts.

In Episode 43 of Best Hire EverKris Dunn does office hours and answers a listener mail question that’s causing pain everywhere in the world of recruiting:

“How do I get my recruiters to consistently use our ATS?”

Along the way, KD hits on numerous considerations when trying to improve how recruiters use your ATS.

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Show Highlights

4:50 – Making tough decisions about what you actually want your recruiters to record in the ATS.

8:00 – Becoming more like a sales team and ensuring you can report on your recruiting funnel for each req your team works.

11:50 – How consistent reporting is key to recruiter adoption of your ATS.

17:30 – Why spending time and resources ($) on how sourced candidates from other databases get into the ATS is a gift you have to give your recruiters to get them to use your system.

19:08 – Audits, performance management tie-ins, and more to measure ATS adoption across your recruiters.

This article is part of a series called Podcasts.
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