
Happening on TLNT: Behind the Scenes of LGBTQ Bigotry

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Nov 19, 2020
This article is part of a series called Happening on TLNT.

What does LGBTQ discrimination look like?

That’s actually somewhat of a trick question. Oftentimes, it doesn’t “look” like anything — because it’s usually coded and covert.

Furthermore, as author Britt East writes in his recent TLNT article, “Getting Real About Corporate Homophobia,”[W]e have weaponized our shortcomings [as human beings] as a means to make ourselves feel powerful on the backs of others. And many workplaces offer little sanctuary.”

East goes on to shed light on the invisible ways that homophobia at work takes place. It’s an insightful article into the nuanced ways that bigotry becomes abuse in workplaces.

Head over to TLNT to read “Getting Real About Corporate Homophobia.”

This article is part of a series called Happening on TLNT.
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