
Five Top Picks for Socially-Acceptable Marketing Success

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Apr 2, 2014

You’ve got the basics covered with your presence on the major social media sites. Now, you need to take that next step by adding new tactics to your social media program. Using social media as a branding tool is great, but taking it to the next level will engage your audience.  Try these five tips energize your clients and candidates.

#1 Facebook Ads

Facebook ads are a simple and inexpensive way to get the eyes of your target candidates. You can increase your page “likes,” promote particular posts, and attract attendees to special events. Select “Advanced Options” so you may choose to “Optimize for clicks” and “Manually bid for clicks.” With this choice, you will be charged only the amount you have specified when someone clicks on your ad.

#2 Twitter Parties

A Twitter party is a way to connect with your clients or candidates virtually using Twitter. Attract attendees by featuring an expert panel and a host to keep the party moving. The ideal length is one to two hours.

As the host, you tweet a hashtag (#) for the party. The hashtag identifies the party. Your guest can find the party using their tweet chat client to search for the hashtag and join in the conversation. The secret to success is to fill the party with content to make the participants’ time spent at the party worthwhile. It’s a great way to showcase your market knowledge and recruiting expertise. You can target clients or candidates.

#3 Instagram Hashtag Search

Instagram has surpassed 100 million users. That is a number that you can’t ignore. Instagram can mean access to a potentially large pool of passive candidates. Search for candidates using hashtags. You can search for terms, including occupation or industry. Also try a location search.

Pinterest page#4 Pinterest

Many recruiters dismiss Pinterest as a marketing tool. Pinterest has a reputation as the place to market health and fashion products to females. However, it is fast becoming a resource for career and job search advice. Try instituting a “job search tip of the week” accompanied by a photo or professionally-created infographic. Use backlinks to draw candidates to your site. Tie in topics to recent blog posts. Soon you’ll amass followers and as well as traffic to your website.

#5 Blog

You are probably wondering what you can learn about blogging that you don’t already know. Remember the basic principles of blogging:

  • Create an attractive headline that contains keywords.
  • Conduct SEO research to determine the key words and topics relevant to your firm.
  • Write with the voice of an expert.

Leverage your entire social media arsenal to drive traffic to your blog, your website, and ultimately to grow your business.

How many of these five tactics have you tried? I challenge you to push the envelope with your social media month by month. Stay on top of new trends and features. In today’s world, yesterday’s social media strategy is not enough!

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