
ERE’s New Labor Market Columnist, Raghav Singh, Talks Economy, Jobs, and Recruiting

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Jun 15, 2020
This article is part of a series called COVID-19 Coverage.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how screwed is our economy?

I asked this question of Raghav Singh. His answer was depressing, but a bit hopeful too. There’s light at the end of the tunnel, he explained. It’s just not entirely clear how long that tunnel is.

Raghav is ERE’s new labor market columnist. He’s also the new director of product management for HR products at Salesforce (his first day is today!), where his role includes studying and analyzing trends in the labor market. In doing so, he examines how government policies, technology, demographics, and changes in the wider economy impact the labor force.

Raghav will be bringing his experience, expertise, and insights to help you make sense of economic trends and the state of jobs. Best of all, he’ll be doing so in accessible, practical ways to help you impact your recruiting efforts.

Recently, Raghav and I had a Facebook Live discussion and Q&A about the effects of COVID-19 on the labor market. Are things really as bad as they seem? Are they worse? We explored issues that included:

  • Misconceptions about the labor market right now
  • The history of other downturns, specifically related to jobs and hiring
  • Which current labor market trends are particularly important for recruiters to pay attention to
  • Which industries are showing greater promise
  • A timeline for recovery
  • The impact of tech and automation on the future of jobs 

Click below to view the Facebook Live session for a slew of insights, and watch how we end on a positive note — it just takes some time to get there! Additionally, I hope you enjoy Raghav’s upcoming columns!

This article is part of a series called COVID-19 Coverage.