
ChatGPT, ChatGPT, and More ChatGPT in Recruiting

...and even more ChatGPT! The AI onslaught continues!

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Apr 14, 2023
This article is part of a series called The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week.

Welcome to “The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week,” a weekly post that features talent acquisition insights and information from around the web to kick off your weekend. Here’s what’s of interest this week:

AI Tools Can’t Replace Authentic Thinking When Crafting Job Descriptions

“ChatGPT doesn’t replace or otherwise remove the need for HR thinking,” this SHRM article points out. “There are many issues AI does not address, including those discussed below. When crafting job descriptions, HR should consider the following issues using authentic, rather than artificial, intelligence.”

ChatGPT in Recruiting: How to (Carefully) Start Down the Path

From HR Executive: “Based on early uses, artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT look to have a serious upside for HR, especially in the search for talent. Even so, according to experts, HR leaders need to be careful when dipping their collective toes into the ChatGPT waters.”

A Deep Dive Into NYC’s Landmark AI in Hiring Law

“A New York City law requiring that companies reveal use of artificial intelligence hiring tools and publicize results of hiring tool bias audits went into effect Jan. 1 and will be enforced beginning July 5,” according a Cornell University post. The first of its kind in the nation, the law mandates testing by independent auditors of AI tools in order to screen for potential biases based on race/ethnicity and sex.

Men More Successful in Pay Negotiations

“The gender pay gap in the United States is sometimes linked to differences in the way women and men approach negotiating their pay,” according to the Pew Research Center. “Most U.S. workers who are not self-employed say they did not ask for higher pay than what was initially offered the last time they were hired for a job, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. But men are slightly more likely than women (32% vs. 28%) to say they did ask for higher pay than what was offered.”

HR Leaders Voice Confidence About Hiring and Retention This Year

HR Dive reports: “HR leaders seem optimistic about hiring and retaining workers in the next few months, even as widespread conversations continue about recent layoffs and a potential recession in 2023, according to an April 4 report from The Conference Board.”

U.S. Labor Market Is Showing Shades of 2019

“Given the pandemic distortions to our collective sense of time, 2019 can feel like either a decade ago or a month ago. Either way, the labor market is showing shades of 2019,” Axios reports. “But understanding the resemblance — and the crucial differences between now and four years ago — is key to understanding where things go from here.”

A Hotel Giant Reshapes Its Employer Brand at (Almost) No Cost

Read on why Marriott made the unusual choice of not turning to an agency to create new employer branding

This article is part of a series called The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week.