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Aug 4, 2016
This article is part of a series called Editor's Pick.

For you, it’s rote by now: arrive at the conference venue, pick up your badge and a brochure, perhaps a t-shirt, hug-hug-air kisses to folks you haven’t seen since last year (or given what SourceCon attendees actually do, you sheepishly look around and attempt to match the life-size people with their small social media avatar using a small square formed with your hands). Perhaps you shrug and hrumph before you head back to your hotel room or find your way to a local coffee shop or watering hole to somewhat reluctantly go through work emails and texts before heading out to dinner.

Well, EXCUSE ME! The above behavior will NOT be permissible at this year’s SourceCon in Anaheim (except for the part about matching life-size people to social avatars – it’s still a nice humanizing by-product of social media). Why not?

This year will mark the debut of the SourceCon Welcome Wagon, an initiative enacted to introduce attendees to the nuances of the Conference with primary goals of ensuring an incredible conference experience and building a stronger and more collaborative sourcing community.

The Welcome Wagon Committee is comprised of past, present, and future SourceCon presenters, Grandmasters, and sourcing influencers young and old, who have attended many (and in some cases, all) past conferences. We shared our personal SourceCon experiences with each other and brainstormed ways to start the conference off with a bang of great expectations that would carry all the way through to Shannon Pritchett’s closing keynote.

Without giving away the contents of the SourceCon Survival Kit, there will be a roadmap offering suggestions on specific sessions for newbie sourcers, first-time SourceCon attendees, experienced sourcers, and even those sourcers who have been around since Al Gore created the Internet. There might even be some swag, a place to introduce the “peculiar you” to the SourceCon community, and the opportunity to meet the speakers and industry influencers on a very personal level (you might be surprised at how much caring and sharing will take place). All before the actual conference sessions begin.

But first, you have to attend.

See you in Anaheim.


This article is part of a series called Editor's Pick.
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